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Cost Effective

Many builders like to customize their own system installation as well as save money by doing those things which they already do well, such as woodworking and wiring. We thus leave the construction of a simple console card rack for holding the modules, and panels for mounting the rank driver boards up to the builder.

Console Card Rack ...as built by Kegg Organ Company for their pipe organs. Cards are housed at the left and pin wiring connections are at the right. A Masonite panel slides into the front of the rack to act as a cover.

Kegg Card Rack Rosales Card Rack Console Card Rack ...as built by Allen Miller Associates for Manuel Rosales. This small church organ system requires minimal space.

Console Card Rack for 4/36 Wurlitzer.

Card Rack

Driver Boards on Panels.

Driver Boards Z-tronics Rank Drivers Z-tronics Rank Drivers ...latest simple to wire design. Each board wires to a unit chest.

The Bottom Line

We at Opus-Two are pleased to help Z-tronics owners continue to support their systems into the future. For many users, a System 5000 is the best choice for Simplicity, Reliability, and Longevity at reasonable cost.

Opus-Two Instrument Control Systems
201 King of Prussia Rd #650
Radnor, PA  19087
