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Logical Simplicity

The Z-tronics pipe organ relay was developed almost 50 years ago in the early days of experimentation with multiplex relay switching systems. At that time, poorly designed systems had given multiplexing a bad reputation. Bill Zabel, an electronics design engineer in Fort Wayne, IN, developed a simple system specifically for pipe organ applications. His design proved to overcome the shortcomings of previous systems and was awarded US Patent 4,092,895.

The Legacy Z-tronics system is made up of simple modules, each completely assembled and tested, connected by hard wiring to incorporate the features and unification of a particular specification. Because the system was patented, complete documentation, schematic drawings, and theory of operation is included. Anyone with the ability to use a soldering iron can configure the building blocks into an organ relay.

By supplying full details of the system, thus enabling the builder to assemble it, the builder is able to trouble-shoot and make simple repairs. No longer is the solid-state system a mystical "black box" which has to be returned to the manufacturer for repairs.

The Z-tronics system logic blocks are simple to understand. All signals are at audio frequencies which can be traced with a simple piece of diagnostic equipment, a crystal earphone.

The Z-Tronics Console Controller 5000 expands upon the original design and adds a layer of software to replace the hardware building blocks. By using the industry proven Opus-Two operating system, anything that could be done with soldering and logic can now be done with simple code changes. As before, all signals are kept at audio frequencies so the crystal earpiece can still be used, but a USB/Telnet terminal is added to provide additional "views" into the software layer of the Controller 5000.

Opus-Two Instrument Control Systems
201 King of Prussia Rd #650
Radnor, PA  19087
