Special features like Melody Octave Couplers, Pedal Bass to Manual (Continuo) Couplers, Sostenuto, Master Swells, Transposer, Pizzicato, Mixture breaks, Pedal Harmonics, Harmonics couplers, cutouts, floating or non-coupling ranks or divisions, and similar effects are limited only by the imagination. In Legacy systems, custom logic boards can be made to bring these features to life. In Console Processor 5000 systems, features like this are easily programmable by the installer.
Where it may be necessary to extend ranks due to space or monetary constraints, electronic pedal extensions may be wired to Z-tronics multiplex relay systems. Positive output drivers were available for adding electronic extensions such as those by Walker Technical Company. Console Processor 5000 systems can communicate directly with tone generators by Walker, Viscount, and others.
Console Processor 5000 systems can be integrated to a wifi network and use an iPad to control ranks at various pitches, facilitating easy tuning. For legacy systems, a hand-held device was available for the Z-tronics system which enables the technician to remotely play individual notes of two different ranks or the same rank to be played at unison and octave pitches for the purpose of tuning, trouble-shooting or tonal finishing. The Magic Tuner can be operated from within the chamber or in an ideal listening point in the auditorium. Never a popular feature, the magic tuner is still installed at some locations.
Opus-Two Instrument Control Systems |
877-387-3810 |