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Z-tronics, a product of Allen Miller Associates

How did a pipe organ builder become a supplier of multiplex relays? Allen Miller, himself a pioneer in the application of solid-state to organ building, became aware of the Z-tronics system in its early days. As a consultant and builder, Allen, and his firm, Allen Miller Associates, used and installed several Z-tronics multiplex relays, and working in conjunction with Bill Zabel, pioneered several special circuits and applications for the system. When it became necessary for Bill Zabel to sell Z-tronics in 1991, Allen was Z-tronics' major customer and the one most familiar with the design and construction of the system. Allen Miller Associates thus purchased Z-tronics and has concentrated on operating business "as usual" following the success of the decisions which have made the Z-tronics system the choice for reliability.

Have Any Changes been made?

We have added a new Universal Rank Driver board which simplifies chest wiring and enables drivers to be made with either Positive or Negative output. A Traps Relay and full MIDI Interface are now available. The MIDI system supports Performance Record/Playback including full editing of every parameter of the performance and printing of scores.

At Z-tronics, nothing becomes "obsolete." The original design is still "current."

All new circuit boards include solder mask and component identification printed directly on the boards, plus blank areas where the builder may add his own documentation.

The Z-tronics Multiplex relay system has proven itself to be highly reliable. Most systems have never required even a moment of service. Z-tronics systems are in use all over the world. Since each installation is wired to specification by the builder, we have developed a network of technicians around the world who are familiar with the system, should an emergency arise.

Quotations and Orders

To obtain a quotation, simply submit a specification of the organ in "Analysis Form" listing each rank by lowest note pitch, total number of speaking notes, and at which pitches the rank will play on each manual. Such forms are standard in the industry.

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To Logical Simplicity

Allen Miller Associates
167 Carriage Drive
Glastonbury, CT  06033

860-633-7230 FAX